ADR Master 3 - Knowledge Base

Customising Overlays


The characteristics of each type of Overlay type, eg positioning, size, colour, background colour, opacity and font - can be chosen through the Preferences > Overlays window & selecting the tab relevant to the visual event type to be adjusted.

ADR Master Overlays Preferences{width=70%}

When these settings are changed, e.g. sliders moved - ADR Master will automatically display that overlay temporarily in a preview mode on all available video devices for a few seconds - so you can adjust the settings visually. This means that these overlays do not need to be enabled in the video device in the Device list in order to define their preferred settings visually. Nor is it necessary to add events to the Visual Events timeline & play them back in order to see them while adjusting the settings.

If visual events playing back in the timeline are not displaying overlays on your display, & the overlay is only seen in preview mode, please make sure that the overlay type is enabled in the Device List & that Toggle Overviews Globally is not enabled from the View menu.

While it is possible to show or hide different combinations of visual displays across different video devices, the characteristic settings of each of these overlay types in the Overlays window are applied identically across all the video devices & all projects and timelines.

Timecode / Feet and Frame Overlay Settings

There are several options available to customise the overall look of the Timecode display from the Timecode tab of the Preferences/Overlays window.

Timecode Overlay Preferences{width=70%}

Show overlay as - Switches between Timecode or Feet and Frames

Font - Click the Font selector to select the preferred font for the overlay.

Overlay Color - Sets the font colour.

Background Color - ADR Master can optionally display a background underneath the timecode. Choose the colour of that background banner here.

For text only, set the opacity of the colour to 0.

Position: Horizontal - Adjusts the horizontal position. Move the slider left or right.

Position: Vertical - Adjusts the vertical position. Slider left is down. Slider right is up.

Size - Adjusts the size. Slider left is smaller. Slider right is bigger.

Marker Overlay Settings

There are several options available to customise the overall look of Markers from the Markers tab of the Overlays Preferences window.

Marker Overlay Preferences{width=70%}

Text Color - Sets the font colour.

Background Color - ADR Master can optionally display a background underneath the text. Choose the colour of that background banner here. For text only, set the opacity of the colour to 0. Alpha is also allowed.

Font - Selects the preferred font for the overlay.

Default Duration - Depending on the reference unit setting, you can set the default Marker duration here. This will be the default whenever you create a new Marker event.

Position: Horizontal - Adjusts the horizontal position. Move the slider left or right.

Position: Vertical - Adjusts the vertical position. Slider left is down. Slider right is up.

Size - Adjusts the overall size. Slider left is smaller. Slider right is bigger.

Streamer Overlay Settings

There are several options available to customise the overall look of Streamers from the Streamers tab of the Overlays Preferences window.

Streamer Overlay Preferences{width=70%}

Color - Sets the colour of the moving streamer.

Direction - Sets the direction of the streamer: either left to right, or edge to centre.

Streamer finishes on bar - Toggles displaying an optional bar on the right side of the screen that marks the end of the streamer. If this box is not checked, the streamer will end at the right edge of the display.

This setting only applies if the Direction setting is set to move from left to right.

Position: Top-Bottom - Adjusts the vertical positioning of the Streamer. Left is lower down, right is higher up.

Size: Width - Adjusts the horizontal width or thickness of the Streamer. Slider left is thinner. Slider right is thicker.

Size: Height - Adjusts the vertical edge of the top of the Streamer - for example in any cases where it is desirable to have it not cover the entire height of the video. Slider left moves the top edge down to make it shorter. Slider right moves the top edge up to make it taller.

Reference Unit - Selects between Time and Tempo based Streamers.

This setting must be set before any streamer events are created. Switching Reference Units after Streamer events are already created, can cause erratic behaviour. It is advisable to delete any events not in the currently set Reference unit & re-create them with the correct Reference Unit set.

Default Duration - Sets the default duration used whenever creating a new Streamer event. If the time Reference Unit setting is set to, 'Time', the streamer duration is selected in terms of 1, 2, 2.67, 3, 3.3 or 5 seconds. If the Reference Unit setting is set to 'Tempo', the streamer duration can be set in 1, 2 or 4 bars.

Default Tempo - Sets the default tempo used whenever creating a new Streamer event. This setting is only available if the Reference Unit setting is set to, 'Tempo'.

This setting is only available if the Reference Unit setting is set to Tempo.

Play Audio Beeps - Toggles audible beeps on or off during the streamer. If the time Reference Unit setting is set to, 'Time', the streamer will play 3 beeps. If the Reference Unit setting is set to 'Tempo', the streamer will play 4 times the number of bars selected worth of beeps.

Currently ADR Master only supports 4/4 musical timing for the Tempo setting.

Punch / Flutter Overlay Settings

There are a few options available to customise the overall look of Punch & Flutters from the Punch tab of the Overlays Preferences window.

Punch/Flutter Overlay Preferences{width=70%}

Color - Sets the colour of the punch.

Size - Sets the size of the punch. Select between Small, Medium or Large.

Punch after Streamer - If this checkbox is set, a punch is displayed at the very end of each streamer event. This applies not only for standalone streamer events but also for the streamers displayed with ADR Cue events. If this box is not checked, the punch is omitted.

Default Flutter Duration - Defines how many punches set by default in a Flutter event. 1 for a single Punch. 3, 5 or 7 for a Flutter.

ADR Cue Overlay Settings

There is an extensive array of options available to customise the overall look of ADR Cues from the ADR Cue tab of the Overlays Preferences window. Separate side tabs are available for customising each different Visual Display aspect of ADR Cues: Primary Preroll, Secondary Preroll, Progress Bar, ADR Text, Character / Actor, Cue Number & Mode.

ADR Cue Overlay Preferences{width=70%}

There are two global setting for ADR Cues that are always shown at the top of this window - as they are relevant to all the different aspects:

Default Duration - sets a default duration for new ADR Cue events - if there is no selection already made in the timeline.

This is applied when creating new ADR cues either using the keyboard shortcut or by clicking the "+" button in the event track, event list or the DAW controls window as well as when cues are imported from a script and no out point is set.

Play Audio Beeps during Preroll - Toggles audio beeps on or off before the In Point of each ADR Cue event.

Primary Preroll Overlay Settings

ADR Cue Primary Preroll Overlay Settings{width=70%}

Preroll Style - Selects the style of primary preroll between Streamer, 3-2-1 count down or 1-2-3 count up.

Default Preroll - Sets the default primary preroll duration. This will be applied when new events are created either directly in ADR Master or when importing them from a script.

Changing this value does not change the preroll duration of existing events.

Color - Sets the colour of the primary preroll streamer.

This setting only applies when the preroll style is set to Streamer.

Direction - Selects between the streamer moving from left to right, or starting on both on the left & right edges and moving towards and meeting in the centre of the screen.

This setting only applies when the preroll style is set to Streamer.

Position: Top-Bottom - Adjusts the vertical positioning of the Streamer. Left is lower down, right is higher up.

Size: Width - Adjusts the horizontal width or thickness of the Streamer. Slider left is thinner. Slider right is thicker.

Size: Height - Adjusts the vertical edge of the top of the Streamer - for example in any cases where it is desirable to have it not cover the entire height of the video. Slider left moves the top edge down to make it shorter. Slider right moves the top edge up to make it taller.

This setting only applies when the preroll style is set to Streamer.

Secondary Preroll Overlay Settings

ADR Cue Secondary Preroll Overlay Settings{width=70%}

Default Preroll - Sets the preroll duration for all Secondary Preroll visual events.

As ADR Cue Visual Events do not store separate Secondary Preroll information, changing this setting will change the secondary preroll duration for all events.

Color - Sets the colour of the Secondary Preroll Streamer.

Direction - Selects between the secondary preroll streamer moving from left to right, or starting on both on the left & right edges and moving towards and meeting in the centre of the screen.

Position: Top-Bottom - Adjusts the vertical positioning of the Secondary Preroll Streamer. Left is lower down, right is higher up.

Size: Width - Adjusts the horizontal width or thickness of the Secondary Preroll Streamer. Slider left is thinner. Slider right is thicker.

Size: Height - Adjusts the vertical edge of the top of the Secondary Preroll Streamer- for example in any cases where it is desirable to have it not cover the entire height of the video. Slider left moves the top edge down to make it shorter. Slider right moves the top edge up to make it taller.

Progress Bar Overlay Settings

ADR Cue Progress Bar Overlay Settings{width=70%}

Overlay - Enables or disables the coloured Progress Bar during the ADR Cue In & Out Points- which helps the voice talent better gauge how long they have left to complete the line.

Color - Sets the colour of the Progress Bar.

Direction - Selects between the Progress Bar moving from left to right, or starting on both on the left & right edges and moving towards and meeting in the centre of the screen.

Text Overlay Settings

ADR Cue Text Overlay Settings{width=70%}

Text Overlays - Enables or disables the Text Overlays showing the dialogue lines for each ADR Cue visual event.

Border Offset - Defines the maximum width the text can occupy on the sides of the screen. This may be desirable for example if your monitor crops a bit of the image on the edges. Drag the slider right to define a larger border area on the left and right which will be free of text. Set this value to zero for no border offset.

Shorter ADR Cue text will be centred by default.

Position: Vertical - Adjusts the vertical positioning of the Text. Left is lower down, right is higher up.

Size - Adjusts the overall size of the Text. Slider left is smaller. Slider right is bigger.

Font - Selects the preferred font for Text.

Color - Sets the foreground colour of the Text.

Banner Color - Sets the colour of the background banner underneath the text.

For no background, set the opacity of the colour to 0.

Character/Actor Overlay Settings

ADR Cue Character/Actor Overlay Settings{width=70%}

Overlay: Character / Char(Actor) / None - If a Character is set for an ADR Cue visual event, this selects whether just the Character name, or both Character & Actor names, or None are shown.

If Char(Actor) is chosen, the Actor name will be displayed in brackets after the Character name.

Font - Selects the preferred font for the overlay.

Background - Sets the colour of the background banner underneath the text.

For no background, set the opacity of the colour to 0%.

Position: Horizontal - Adjusts the horizontal position. Move the slider left or right.

Position: Vertical - Adjusts the vertical position. Slider left is down. Slider right is up.

Size - Adjusts the overall size. Slider left is smaller. Slider right is bigger.

Cue Number Overlay Settings

ADR Master Cue Number Overlay Settings{width=70%}

Overlay - If a cue Number is set for an ADR Cue visual event, this toggles the Cue Number Overlay.

If no cue number is set or the switch is set to "Disabled", no cue number overlay will be drawn.

Font - Selects the preferred font for the overlay.

Position: Horizontal - Adjusts the horizontal position. Move the slider left or right.

Position: Vertical - Adjusts the vertical position. Slider left is down. Slider right is up.

Size - Adjusts the overall size. Slider left is smaller. Slider right is bigger.

Font - Selects the preferred font for the overlay.

Color - Sets the foreground colour of the Cue Number.

Background - Sets the colour of the background banner underneath the Cue number.

Mode Overlay Settings

ADR Cue Mode Overlay Settings{width=70%}

Mode Overlay: Enabled / Disabled - When using ADR Master's ADR recording features with Pro Tools®, this selects whether the Rehearse, Record or Review recording mode overlay is displayed or not.

Font - Selects the preferred font for the overlay.

Rehearse Text - Defines the text that is shown when rehearsing an ADR Cue. By default this is set to, 'Rehearsing'.

Rehearse Text Color - Sets the colour of the Rehearse Text overlay.

Record Text - Defines the text that is shown when recording an ADR Cue. By default this is set to, 'Recording'.

Record Text Color - Sets the colour of the Record Text overlay.

Review Text - Defines the text that is shown when reviewing back an ADR Cue. By default this is set to, 'Reviewing'.

Modifying the Rehearse, Record & Review Text can be especially useful for adapting to the appropriate language. For example in German, Vorhören/Aufnahme/Überprüfung could be used instead.

Review Text Color - Sets the colour of the Review Text overlay.

Position: Horizontal - Adjusts the horizontal position. Move the slider left or right.

Position: Vertical - Adjusts the vertical position. Slider left is down. Slider right is up.

Size - Adjusts the overall size. Slider left is smaller. Slider right is bigger.

Importing & Exporting Overlay Settings

If you have unique Overlay settings that you would like to save and load for a particular recurring project, share with another studio or editor, or to manage multiple users each with different default settings - this can be done using the Export Settings and Import Settings buttons in the General tab of the Display Preferences.

Import/Export Overlay Settings Controls{width=70%}